A gold and green trophy shaped like a diamond placed in front of the four books from the Stariel series.
indie publishing, Stariel

Two events and an award

Whew, what a whirlwind of a weekend! The short version: Two events, a drink that was ON FIRE, and a trophy! The long version: This weekend was the annual Romance Writers of New Zealand conference for 2021. This was my second RWNZ conference (I wrote about my first time here), and because of our closed… Continue reading Two events and an award

indie publishing

The 2020 Sir Julius Vogel Awards – the whats, whys, and my own eligibility

This is a special year for New Zealand's speculative fiction awards, the Sir Julius Vogel (SJV) awards. Never heard of the SJVs or Sir Julius Vogel? Fear not, I'm here to meet all your long-winded explanation needs! I only became aware of the SJVs when I started getting into New Zealand's publishing / writing scene,… Continue reading The 2020 Sir Julius Vogel Awards – the whats, whys, and my own eligibility